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April 2018 Goals


April 2018 Goals

Ryder dressed up as a bunny and a recap of March 2018 goals

Surprise! I'm alive! Long time, no post, but it's been crazy at work and crazy on the weekends and crazy all around. Although if we're being honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. I want my days to be brimming with life (with the occasional time for rest and restoring some semblance of sanity) and, well, things are brimming! But the downside is I have been neglectful of the blog which is a bit less than desirable. But hey, it's a new month, it's a new spring, it's a new chance to be better. Check out my recap of March and my new April goals!


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March 2018 Goals


March 2018 Goals

My little leprechaun and a recap of February 2018 goals

I'm going to make a dangerously bold statement and say SPRING HAS SPRUNG! Everything around me is starting to pop out its emerald green, including Ryder! Hooray for March and new goals! Here's hoping this month is a lucky one.


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February 2018 Goals


February 2018 Goals

My little angel and a recap of January 2018 goals

I don't know if you've noticed, but I apparently like to torture my dog in that I like to dress him up in silly costumes. He's just the perfect model for a nice over-the-top styled shoot, am I right? I thought it might be fun to celebrate all my monthly goals this year with a Wegman-esque photo shoot based on seasonal themes, so let's hear it for this month's little cupid!


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January 2018 Goals and Reader Survey


January 2018 Goals and Reader Survey

Snuggle-bug all bundled up against the cold and a recap of December 2017 goals

Surprise! Ha, I know I just posted goals for 2018, but an important aspect of long-term goals is breaking them down into short-term goals, so I apologize in advance for the back-to-back goals posts. Just remember - these redundant posts just come once a year, so you don't have to put up with this redundancy again until 2019! (Which will be here before we know it, ha!) But before we jump right into the monthly goals, my reader survey is up! It's the first time I've ever done a reader survey, so I'm pretty excited to hear feedback from you all. You can fill it out using the link or fill it out directly on the blog post. Thanks in advance!


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A New Year - 2018 Resolutions


A New Year - 2018 Resolutions

​​​​​​​Looking back at last year's resolutions and setting resolutions for 2018

Happy New Year! This is the third year now I've set new year's resolutions on the blog, and while it's a little silly it's nice to have something publicly posted to hold me accountable and to see how my goals have changed over the years. So first let's look at how I did for 2017 and then we'll dive into goals for 2018!


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December 2017 Goals


December 2017 Goals

An unhappy reindeer and recap of November 2017 goals

Poor Ryder. My poor fluffy-butt-pupperkins has the hard job of being a model when I want to play with the camera and do silly things. Like put plaid reindeer antlers on the dog and drape him in holiday lights. People always say I have a photogenic dog but it's because I bribe him with lots and lots of treats. Treats and running and hiking and snuggles. Wait, no, he doesn't like snuggles, even though I keep telling him you can't spell "SMOTHER" without "MOTHER." He said he still doesn't believe me, but he'll smile for the camera if I give him more Greenies.


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October 2017 Goals


October 2017 Goals

And a recap of September 2017 goals

I don't know about you but October is my favorite month. Birthday, fall foliage, crisp cool climate, beautiful hikes, exciting races, bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils...I could keep going, but time is flying and the month is short!And so, without further ado, it's time for GOALS!


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