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September 2017 Goals


September 2017 Goals

And recap of August 2017 goals

How is it September already?! And it's Labor Day weekend?? I talked to at least three people this week in the elevator at work and asked them if they had any fun plans for this weekend, and they were like, "Why, what's up with this weekend?" "It's Labor Day weekend!" I'd exclaim. "What?! No way! I'm glad you told me, because otherwise I would have come in to work on Monday!" Surprise! I'm not one who usually likes surprises, but a surprise three-day weekend? You can surprise me with one of those any day. But since it's September, it means it's time for GOALS!


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August 2017 Goals


August 2017 Goals

And May 2017 goals recap

Proof that I am a slacker: the last time I did a goals post was April. Yes, April! It seems like it's well past time to fix that! And oh my gosh I keep getting reminded of the time right now - time to do something, time to do something, time time time!I'm literally hearing bells to remind me of the time: McCrae brought home this crazy antique family heirloom clock this weekend. It was dead silent all day on Sunday, but McCrae stashed the clock in the guest bedroom (which is now just becoming "my photography studio" but also "the antiques room"), and suddenly that clock has come alive.


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March Goals


March Goals

And a recap of February 2017 goals

They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, but I feel like this March is just going to be a big ol' polar bear on a melting ice cap. Too soon? Fiiiiiiine. Let's talk about goals!


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Reigniting Running Resolutions


Reigniting Running Resolutions

Okay, let's be honest - raise your hand if your resolution was to run or go to the gym more in 2017 but for whatever reason - time, health, stress, whatever - you haven't done as much as you'd planned? You say to yourself, "I will, I will, I will, I will," but your legs say, "But this couch is so nice," or your hands say, "But we can just pour ourselves this glass of wine instead, it was a rough day after all," or you just don't want to get out of bed. Yeah, we all struggle with this, but it's been a few weeks after New Year's so now is a good time to check in, evaluate progress, and ask ourselves what else we can do.


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January 2017 Goals


January 2017 Goals

Wait, January 2017 goals?! It's already 2017?! And didn't I just post a goals post?! Oh, hello, New Year's Resolutions. But while long-term resolutions are great and everything, I still need those short-term goals. After all, nothing long-term is achievable if you don't break it down to smaller, more approachable chunks.


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A New Year - 2017 Resolutions


A New Year - 2017 Resolutions

So. 2017. What should we do with you? In 2016 my goal was to take risks. I didn't achieve all my resolutions (who does?!) but I feel like I was true to my theme of 2016. I look back at how I did against my 2016 resolutions, set a new theme for 2017, and set new resolutions.


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